- All the customers who are buying firearms, ammunitions, body armors and bullet proof helmets should own a valid PAL/RPAL ( some exemptions could apply according to local regulations). We will contact you for all the necessary information after you make your order through our website and verify your PAL/RPAL before we fulfill your order. If you have paid through our website but any necessary information is missing or incorrect, the order will be canceled and refunding fee will be charged.
- Return Privilege: All goods are sold with a seven-day (from receipt of order) return policy. No returns will be accepted without a purchase proof. Goods must be returned in the same condition as received. New firearms must be unfired. We offer a full refund less shipping. We reserve the right to charge a 20% restocking fee on all items.
- Used Firearms and Equipment: We Cannot warrant the shooting safety of Used or Surplus firearms. All goods will be supplied in sound working condition unless otherwise specified. If you have any concerns, please request clarification before purchasing.
- Manufacturer's Warranty: To provide the best possible warranty support to our customers, we ask that you please contact us by emailing office@liangjian.ca. We will make every effort to expedite the warranty process for our customers. This may be in the form of referring you to the manufacture's approved warranty centre or taking care of the claim "in house". Under no circumstances attempt to return a firearm direct to an overseas/ international manufacturer without first consulting with us. A copy of your sales record or any purchase proof is required for all claims.
- Shipping: Warranty does not cover the cost of return shipping.
- Product Shortages: Any claims of shortage must be received no later than 48 hours after the customer's receipt of orders.
- Product Details: Manufacturers can change product details, they often do, and sometimes this happen without our prior knowledge, so we reserve the right to change product specifications at any time.
- Item Pricing: Due to factors outside of out control such as changes in international currencies, fuel surcharges etc. we reserve the right to adjust prices at any time. Pricing may be subject to change. A deposit will guarantee your price unless otherwise stated at the time when your order is placed.
- Pre-Order Deposits: Deposits hold your place in the order queue and guarantee the price to you unless otherwise stated at the time when your order is placed. If you request a refund, a $50.00 administration fee may apply.
- Special Orders: Deposits are required on Special Order items and will be subject to a re-stocking fee if you cancel your order. Always confirm details at the time of your order.
We stand behind everything we sell. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed. If you have any problem with a purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are human and mistakes do happen. If we have made an error, please bring the details to our attention.
We advise all customers to confirm the price at time of purchase, this will avoid any possible misunderstanding.